Sat.Nov 04, 2017 - Fri.Nov 10, 2017

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Spotlight On NW Creative: PB& Aims High With A Unique Agency Model


Usually when you hear about ad agency veterans opening up their own shop, the principals consist of someone with a copywriting background, someone with an art direction background, and someone with an account management background. But Seattle’s PB& isn’t structured that way — and that’s proving to be an effective move. Founded in 2016 by […].

Agency 74
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UM’s Adam Morton: are true brand guardians a dying breed?

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It’s increasingly rare for CMOs and brand directors to stay in place for more than a few years, with this decline of tenures often linked to the rise in short-termism and associated pressures. New arrivals come into the business and are keen to make their mark, or need to show their value quickly. This might.

Finance 66

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5 tips to improve Singles Day sales in SEA


Singles Day or 11/11 as it is known in China, has fast outstripped Cyber Monday and Black Friday to emerge as the world’s biggest online shopping event, raking in over $17 billion in 2016 - a 25% increase from 2015. Importantly, 82% of these transactions were driven by mobile in 2016. This explosion in popularity only means that the stage is set for yet another record shattering day of e-commerce and m-commerce in China.

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Will FDA Be Forced To Eat Menu Labeling?

All About Advertising Law

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) gave our nation “Obamacare.” The ACA also gave the FDA the obligation to adopt regulations requiring “a restaurant or similar retail food establishment that is part of a chain with 20 or more locations doing business under the same name” to disclose the calories contained in “standard menu” items.

Food 40
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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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What Do You Say to Parents of A Down’s Baby? Anything But “Sorry”


Nearly 10,000 babies are born with Down syndrome in North America this year? The Canadian Down Syndrome Society and FCB Canada are educating people on how to respond when someone they know has a baby with Down’s. Say anything but “Sorry.” Kirk Crowther, National Executive Director of CDSS says, “We want to encourage people to […].

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Studio of Art & Commerce makes the most of Decaux gift for bio-bean’s ‘Wonderfuel’

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Producing solid fuel briquettes from recycled coffee grounds – coffee logs – is a pretty good idea, from bio-bean, a start-up backed by Richard Branson. Bio-bean won Virgin’s Voom Pitch competition complete with £250,000 of space from out of home giant JC Decaux, now playing host to Studio of Art & Commerce’s ‘Wonderfuel’ campaign.

Agency 66

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Marks and Spencer Paddington Christmas TV ad

Nick Burcher

I woke up this morning, checked Twitter and was shown the new Marks and Spencer Christmas ad featuring Paddington Bear in a Promoted Tweet with video - a nice way to start the day :-) I actually really like this M&S Christmas TV ad and I don't agree that one sentence sounds rude - I actually think it's a great tie in with Paddington and the Paddington movie!

Retail 40
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Brevity Is The Soul of Wit, But Not On Twitter, Not Anymore


Twitter doubled down on its character limit this week. Users of the social media platform are now able to update in 280 characters—twice the previously allotted character count. The news isn’t going over particularly well in certain circles. At least two literary lions loathe the change. Twitter’s destroyed its USP. The whole point, for me, […].

Media 41
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M&C’s MacLennan tries to end Tindall diversity controversy

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M&C Saatchi international boss Moray MacLennan has announced that CCO Justin Tindall (left), who famously announced that he was “bored of diversity” in a Campaign article, won’t be fired. Because he didn’t say he was “bored with diversity.” Which is a bit angels on a pinhead – but you know what MacLennan means.

Media 66
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The Tech Tango, Urban Legends, The Longevity Economy

Advertising to Baby Boomers

Laurie Orlov is the go-to person for all things AgingTech. Bookmark her. For boomers, there is no such thing as keeping up with tech change Sun, 10/22/2017 by Laurie Orlov … Tech change is occurring faster than boomers at 64 or 84 will want to use … Sounds familiar. From Advertising to Baby Boomers ©2005/2007: “The computer/internet ethos for most Baby Boomers is that they pick and choose what technology they want to use, buy, or install.

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Retail media advertising: How e-commerce is becoming AdTech’s next frontier

what retail media advertising is what a retail media network is how the changes in the privacy landscape benefit retail media networks how retail media network functions market overview of retail media networks

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Unveil the Magic of Remarketing this Holiday Season


With the holiday season around the corner, the pressure to attract a substantial share of the $682 billion opportunity has never been more intense. If you are a marketer, you probably already understand the pressing challenge of retaining quality users for your business. And if you are a retailer, the challenge is even more acute, as 60% of your online consumers now use mobile for shopping and researching.

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Wings for Heroes, But Not Wings To Fly


A soldier comes home from a deployment and his buddies are there to greet him and treat him to a plate full of wings and the magic of DVR. It’s the kind of storybook narrative that “Madison Avenue” is famous for. Here’s the reality. On Saturday, November 11, 2017 all Buffalo Wild Wings restaurants in […]. The post Wings for Heroes, But Not Wings To Fly appeared first on Adpulp.

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Lucky Generals delivers for Amazon ‘s new face at Christmas

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We all use Amazon but is it loveable? After all founder Jeff Bezos is now, according to some estimates, the world’s richest. He must be taking us, or someone else, for a ride somewhere mustn’t he?

Agency 56
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St Luke’s tries a sentimental roller coaster for

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St Luke’s has packed a bit of everything into this Christmas ad for online department store sentiment, cuteness and a bit of dreamy jeopardy. Certain easily pleased publications would doubtless term it “adorable.” We don’t do adorable here but it’s got something (or everything). And, of course, you can buy the dog.

Agency 49
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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Debenhams reworks Cinderella in JWT swan song

More About Advertising

Is this JWT’s swan song for Debenhams, currently reviewing its creative account? Amazing how agencies produce their best work when the pressure’s off. A modern take on Cinderella, with a black and white relationship, de rigueur this year. Sweet. The standard’s high this year – the John Lewis effect? MAA creative scale: 8.

Agency 45
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TV is key to successful big campaigns says WARC

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Someone told me the other day that the UK’s TV market was getting crowded this year, with Unilever in particular piling in. So TV’s not dead and buried then. Which WARC, which these days purports to measure effectiveness as well as spend, reinforces with its first monthly global trends report which states boldly that TV.

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Talk Talk’s réalité campaign from CHI delivers at Christmas

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We like a bit of reality at Christmas – not too much mind – and Talk Talk has been running an unscripted series of ads all year through CHI telling us that this, unscripted, “stuff matters.” Even more at Christmas it seems. Interesting that YouTube viewers seem to like it. Hard to argue with réalité.

Agency 45
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Tom Denford from ID Comms and Brian Wieser of Pivotal Research: holding company finances are a black box

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On this week’s #MediaSnack Tom Denford chats to Brian Wieser, the marketing business’s favourite analyst. Tom and Brian talk about the challenges of making sense of holding company finances, the importance of new business and what it will take for consultancies to make a big money bid. First, they discuss the challenges of how agencies.

Finance 45
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ABM Success Recipe: Mastering the Crawl, Walk, Run Approach

Shifting to an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy can be both exciting and challenging. Well-implemented ABM motions build engagement with high-value accounts and drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience. But where do you begin, and how do you progress from crawling to running? Watch now as Demand Gen experts delve into the essentials of each stage of the ABM process.

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Boots sticks to old ways with new agency Ogilvy

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Boots moved from mother to Ogilvy in a WPP deal earlier this year and has been busily employing Mother ever since. This Christmas effort from Ogilvy is straight out of the Mother songbook and no worse for that. There are two genres of UK Christmas ads: fantasy and reality. Boots, wisely, sticks to reality. MAA.

Agency 40
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John Lewis and adam&eve unveil Christmas Moz the Monster

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Here it is. Is monster Moz as good as Monty the Penguin? It’s all rather academic as these ads have become a UK institution and, once again, adam&eveDDB delivers for John Lewis. As do director Michel Gondry and Elbow’s Guy Garvey, with a stirring version of Paul McCartney’s Golden Slumbers. Will sell lots of monsters.

Agency 40
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The Corner sells to Peter Scott’s Be Heard Group

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Peter Scott’s Be Heard Group is buying ad agency The Corner for £12m. Scott was a founder of WCRS and later built Engine Group into a mid-sized marcoms company before selling to US private equity firm Lake Capital. Engine has since been linked with a sale to Deloitte. The Corner was founded in 2012 by.

Agency 40
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BMO brings cool sense to women in business debate

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Bank of Montreal is running a campaign by FCB Canada saying it’s doing its bit to help entrepreneurial women advance in business. Makes a good point deftly and makes BMO look good too. MAA creative scale: 7.5.

Agency 40
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How Intent Data Helps Marketers Convert A-List Accounts

One of the biggest challenges for any B2B marketer is understanding your prospects’ next move — who is most likely to buy and when. Without these insights, marketing campaigns can feel more like guesswork, with high investment and little return. We’re here to tell you there’s a better way. By tracking buyers’ digital footprints and online activity, such as website visits, product reviews, and spikes in content consumption, you can engage prospects with a message that really resonates.

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Serviceplan takes a different Christmas road for Penny

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Aldi’s ‘Kevin the Carrot’ from TBWA is leading the pursuit of M&S’s Paddington Bear on YouTube (1.2m views against 3.5m) although M&S is surely benefiting hugely from new film Paddington 2. They do Christmas rather differently in Germany, with jollity definitely taking second place to emotion – in some ads anyway.

Agency 40
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John Lewis Xmas ad – the eyes have it

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They do on this store front anyway as we wait for the John Lewis Christmas ad from adam&eveDDB to leap out from under the bed. Apparently another store put the “big eyed” cuddly toys up for sale three days early.

Agency 40
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MDC’s 72andSunny tipped to win Uber globally

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Ad Age reckons Uber is about to appoint MDC Partners’ 72andSunny (left) as its first global creative agency. Uber, which has recently lurched from one disaster to another but that’s not so strange on the West Coast these days, has used Deutsch in the US and BBH in the UK. The global search follows the.

Agency 40
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Tesco banks on turkey trauma and a helping hand

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BBH is doing turkey trauma for Tesco this Christmas, showing the various ways you can c**k up the pesky giant bird. Tesco is also donating £1 for every fresh turkey sold to food bank charities FareShare and the Trussell Trust. Good that it’s doing revenue not profits. These days when you’re walking around London the.

Food 40
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Solving the Biggest Tech Challenges in RevOps

In this eBook, we’ll run through real-world examples that show how RevOps teams can benefit from modern solutions for the access, management, and activation of their GTM data. Whether you need to improve lead response times, boost adoption of core tools, improve lead qualification, or target and automate your GTM motions, you’ll find examples of how revenue teams are solving some of the toughest problems in modern business.

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BBH New York unveils refreshing dose of violence for PlayStation VR

More About Advertising

Fed up with Christmas ads already? Actually I read somewhere that this year the ads were more popular than the programmes – but they’re always saying that. They’re shorter anyway – most of them. Probably says more about the programmes. This year’s collection – to date – haven’t been bad. We still wait for the.

Agency 40
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Diesel wages war on Christmas ‘uncool wool’

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Wanna know how fashionistas, like, create? Here’s Diesel’s artistic director trying to turn back the tide of horrible Christmas sweaters – ‘uncool wool,’ courtesy of Publicis Italia. Sharp and funny. MAA Woolmark: 7.5.

Agency 40
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Have A Coke and A Legal Drive Through The Desert


Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves have created immense wealth, but the nation’s riches have led to little progress on the human rights front. Did you know Gulf kingdom is the only country in the world that bans women from driving? An estimated 800,000 foreign chauffeurs currently ferry Saudi women around. Thankfully, this is about to change. […].

Food 40
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M&S bets on Paddington 2 in Grey Xmas debut

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Marks & Spencer (does anyone still call it that, even the company?) is betting Christmas on a tie-up with the new Paddington 2 film – not a very imaginative name but it seems we have a new franchise on the way. So we have ‘Paddington & The Christmas Visitor’ from Grey, a film trailer in.

Finance 40
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Drive GTM Efficiency with Tech Stack Consolidation

Consolidating your tech stack is an effective cost-saving measure that drives GTM efficiency and adds value to your enterprise. With a cohesive, integrated tech stack, your revenue teams can deliver an excellent customer experience that sets you up to win faster than your competitors.