Sat.Aug 24, 2019 - Fri.Aug 30, 2019

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Doritos’ ‘No Logo’ ad is a triumph of branding

More About Advertising

Doritos is making a big show of omitting its brand name from a new US ad campaign by Goodby Silverstein & Partners. The idea is that Doritos’ target Gen Z audience doesn’t respond to overt advertising, so instead they are getting a very knowing but unbranded campaign: Doritos has even removed the logo and all.

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Work Isn’t Just Work—Work Is Money, Meaning and Identity


Rene Huey-Lipton knows the pain of losing a job. Too often it’s a surprise and a violation; nevertheless, dealing with the aftermath is something we are often asked to do alone while acting brave. I don’t know how others feel, but for me, getting laid off feels like someone has yanked their love away. And […]. The post Work Isn’t Just Work—Work Is Money, Meaning and Identity appeared first on Adpulp.

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Accessing Culture Beyond Ethnicity: Intent


Welcome back to our “Accessing Culture Beyond Ethnicity” as we break down how we decipher culture through technology. Today we tackle one of the four fundamental elements we use to decode culture: Intent. Human culture is extremely hard to understand and make actionable. Humans are generally very private beings. Take dating for example – we rarely even disclose major facts about who we are and what we like on first dates, so why would we even come close to amplifying our desires via digita

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A guide to best video ads types and formats


According to Forbes, nearly 90% of marketers are using video in their campaigns. And for good reason. From various perspectives, video ads bring marketers more efficiency, letting them reach up to 70% viewability, and what’s more important – their marketing and business goals. In this article we’ll lead you through video ad types and formats, their […].

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Michael Gove to unveil £100m Brexit campaign next week

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Government minister (and one-time Boris Johnson foe) Michael Gove is due to announce details of the UK government’s £100m campaign to prepare the country for Brexit next week – with the less than rousing “Get Ready” as its theme. Some sort of campaign has been on the stocks since before the first Brexit deadline expired.

Finance 87
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Cleveland Browns Fans Unleash A Lot of Energy


Why do brands spend many millions of dollars on stadium naming rights? Two words: captive audience. At FirstEnergy Stadium in Cleveland, Ohio, for example, Browns fans see countless brand impressions over the four-hour game day timeframe. It makes sense that many of these impressions are made by the host. FirstEnergy—whose 10 electric utilities form one […].

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The Mobile Consumer is The Consumer


When smartphones are ever-present, everyone is a mobile consumer. Here’s why mobile is central to driving real connections with consumers. Today, why bother specifying between a consumer and a mobile consumer? Considering the current state of mobile technology, saying global mobile consumer is like saying tiny shrimp or ATM machine - it’s just redundant at this stage.

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Adland’s epic charmer Tim Bell dies at 77

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Tim Bell, latterly Lord Bell, one of the giant figures of adland in an era where there were many contenders, has died aged 77. Bell founded the Bell Pottinger PR firm with Piers Pottinger – which imploded many years later shortly after Bell had wisely departed – but is just as well known for his.

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Jared Allen Discovered in Mega Fan’s “Jan Cave”


What happens to NFL stars after football? Some become commentators on cable TV, some open car dealerships, and a few make their way into the circus of commercials. For instance, Periscope and Minnesota Lottery, and the Minnesota Vikings are bringing Jared Allen back just in time for the season kick-off. “When it comes to sports […]. The post Jared Allen Discovered in Mega Fan’s “Jan Cave” appeared first on Adpulp.

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Things Are Buzzing in the Beehive State

All About Advertising Law

Utah traditionally has been a hive of activity in the telemarketing and “how to make money” education verticals. The Utah Consumer Protection Division (the “Division”) and the Division’s lawyers at the Office of the Attorney General appear to be trying to change that. Industry participants have been watching closely a lawsuit filed by the attorney general on behalf of the Division in federal court in Utah.

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Retail media advertising: How e-commerce is becoming AdTech’s next frontier

what retail media advertising is what a retail media network is how the changes in the privacy landscape benefit retail media networks how retail media network functions market overview of retail media networks

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How to Use Social Media to Substantially Improve Your SEO

Single Grain

In our modern world, social media is now one of the first places where many customers are interacting with businesses. But what is truly interesting to note is that social media now has a strong influence on consumer search behavior, too – and some platforms are turning into veritable search engines themselves. In fact, 54% of social media users have searched for new brands and their products specifically through a social platform: Now, all good marketers know that social media plays an incredib

SEO 100
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Facebook makes its privacy case its own way in its own medium in new Possible campaign

More About Advertising

Here’s a new ‘privacy’ ad for Facebook by Possible (which still seems to be alive somewhere in the WPP empire) saying that privacy is a a matter for individuals and Facebook has lots of settings to suit their requirements. Nothing not to like there and it’s a nice enough ad. Trouble is, not very many.

Agency 63
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Is Millennial Angst The Canary in the Coalmine?


Millennial angst. It’s a thing, and the thing that it is isn’t good for the economy. Millennials are doing far worse financially than generations before them. The net worth of Americans aged 18 to 35 has dropped 34 percent since 1996, according to research released by Deloitte. When a generation reels, the impacts are felt […]. The post Is Millennial Angst The Canary in the Coalmine?

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Anti-Robocall Principles Agreed to by Carriers and State AGs

All About Advertising Law

A bipartisan, public/private coalition of 51 attorneys general and 12 phone companies have agreed to create the “Anti-Robocall Principles,” a set of eight principles to fight “illegal robocalls” that the phone companies have voluntarily agreed to adopt by incorporation, or continued incorporation into their business practices. The principles are available here and press release is here.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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How SEO Will Change in 2020…and You’re Not Going to Like It

Single Grain

Are you ready for SEO in 2020? I know you’re probably saying, “But Eric, 2020 is months away! Why do I need to worry about that now?” I’ll tell you why. Things are going to change in a big way and if you aren’t preparing now, you’re going to miss the boat. . The biggest change to SEO next year is going to be the growth of voice search. Consider these statistics: 31% of smartphone users worldwide use voice technology at least once a week. 50% of all online searches will be voice-based by 2020. 55

SEO 89
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Mobile ad fraud: how SDK spoofing steals ad spend under the radar

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By staff SDK spoofing, also known as traffic spoofing or replay attacks, is the creation of legitimate-looking installs using real device data. Along with click fraud and click injection, it is yet another way fraudsters are stealing from the pockets of advertisers who are either unaware of the issue or are yet to implement essential.

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FanDuel Is For People Who Want To Win


People love to compete. People love pro sports. People love to gamble. People love to win. Which explains why FanDuel exists. Of course, it’s not easy to win when you work for the man. It’s never healthy to stuff your face full of encased meats. And flying coach is too often a royal pain in […]. The post FanDuel Is For People Who Want To Win appeared first on Adpulp.

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Sport England sets FCB weighty challenge of creating a healthier nation

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We’re a pretty unhealthy lot here in the UK it seems and, short of a cull of anyone who doesn’t fit the right BMI index, government and others are trying hard to persuade us to exercise more. So government-funded Sport England and 15 charities have combined to launch #WeAreUndefeatable (they’re clearly optimists), a multimedia campaign.

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ABM Success Recipe: Mastering the Crawl, Walk, Run Approach

Shifting to an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy can be both exciting and challenging. Well-implemented ABM motions build engagement with high-value accounts and drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience. But where do you begin, and how do you progress from crawling to running? Watch now as Demand Gen experts delve into the essentials of each stage of the ABM process.

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JetBlue takes aim at other airlines with ‘Alright Brothers’

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Was there ever another industry like airlines? They spend billions on so-called improvements like new planes but customers don’t appear to see much of it (unless it’s being shoehorned on to a 737 Max). Most passengers think they’re getting worse. So it’s clever, brave maybe, for budget carrier JetBlue to take a pop at the.

Agency 59
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Ogilvy hits surprise global winners for Ikea catalogue

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Ikea’s global strategy of giving local agencies plenty of freedom seems to be paying off all over the world. Here are two very different – but equally good – films, both from Ogilvy agencies in countries that don’t usually hog the creative limelight. Memac Ogilvy in Dubai may have been inspired by BBH Singapore’s “Human.

Agency 58
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Adam Morton of UM: why brands need big ideas not short-term tactics

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A lot has been written, including by yours truly, about advertisers focusing on short-term tactical goals and ROI rather than long-term brand building. One element of short-term marketing thinking is the over-focus on ROI, an efficiency rather than effectiveness metric. This in turn, results in a channel first approach, as marketing managers look to make.

ROI 58
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TBWA Paris crafts winning recipe for McDonald’s

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Are advertisers finally wising up to the reality that they don’t need to do the same thing everywhere? McDonald’s in the UK goes for tongue-in-cheek reality via Leo Burnett while across the Channel TBWA Paris has gone all abstract. Compellingly so in this new McMuffin epic. Pretty brave, not least because some food advertisers would.

Food 58
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How Intent Data Helps Marketers Convert A-List Accounts

One of the biggest challenges for any B2B marketer is understanding your prospects’ next move — who is most likely to buy and when. Without these insights, marketing campaigns can feel more like guesswork, with high investment and little return. We’re here to tell you there’s a better way. By tracking buyers’ digital footprints and online activity, such as website visits, product reviews, and spikes in content consumption, you can engage prospects with a message that really resonates.

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Brazil’s creatives set out to get mad and even

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Life as a creative isn’t all fun and games – or so we read – and to promote its 44th Annual and Festival in September Brazil’s Creative Club (Clube de Criação) is continuing with FCB Brazil’s ‘anger’ campaign (creatives are cross in Brazil these days too it seems.) The idea being that “You get really.

Agency 58
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GoCompare’s change of ad tack sparks complaints rush

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Are Chris Wilkins and Sian Vickers still available? abandoned its long-serving in-house creative team – the inventors with director Graham Rose of the noisy Gio Compario – as a shiny new CMO moved the business to shiny agency Droga5, famed for pushing creative boundaries. D5 kept Gio (although it might have wished not to).

Agency 58
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Jeff Goldblum (who else?) kicks off Disney+

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Disney+ is joining the streaming avalanche in November and it’s signed up the ever-dependable Jeff Goldblum to make his own show and, of course, appear in the launch ads. Is there anything this multitasker can’t or won’t do? The aforementioned avalanche is a bonanza for talent and their agents. But the newbies, even the mighty.

Finance 58
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M&C Saatchi hires former Publicis boss as China CEO

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Undeterred by its PLC travails – a big write-off is on the way – M&C Saatchi is boosting its operation in China by hiring CH Yang from Publicis as its new CEO. Yang (below) was CEO of Publicis Shanghai and Guangzhou for 12 years. M&C Saatchi Worldwide CEO Moray MacLennan says: “The appointment of CH.

Finance 58
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Solving the Biggest Tech Challenges in RevOps

In this eBook, we’ll run through real-world examples that show how RevOps teams can benefit from modern solutions for the access, management, and activation of their GTM data. Whether you need to improve lead response times, boost adoption of core tools, improve lead qualification, or target and automate your GTM motions, you’ll find examples of how revenue teams are solving some of the toughest problems in modern business.

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Vice’s Virtue agency expands with new leadership team – what’s its secret sauce?

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How often does a media owner morph into a successful ad agency? It has been done – Havas started as a news agency – but Vice, not so long ago one of those alternative channels that was going to change the world but didn’t, seems to be producing a new example with Virtue. Virtue began.

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Royal Marine Commandos show what they’re made of – but you have to look hard

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Here’s another tale of derring-do from the Royal Marines, this time rounding up some pesky pirates video game style. Unfortunately you can’t actually play the ad here, you’ll have to follow the link to YouTube (easy enough.) What are our intrepid heroes, or their dozy communications advisers, afeared of? Undesirables spoofing the video?

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Is Lucozade pitch a rehearsal for Agency of the Year?

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Lucozade, now owned by Suntory, remains one of the UK’s flagship creative accounts and it’s looking for a new agency to replace ten-year incumbent Grey. On the shortlist are some of London’s finest: adam&eveDDB, Droga5, Lucky Generals and Mother in that rare thing, a pitch seemingly unencumbered with network or holding company concerns. atured Lucozade’s.

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We Are Social tries an extended road trip to “debunk the myths” of Audi’s electric e-tron

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Has there ever been a major industrial development that’s caused more disruption, excited more interest and led to fewer sales than electric cars? Audi UK is taking a different tack, agency We Are Social signing up presenters Georgie Barratt and Ortis Deeley (me neither) to take an extensive road trip to “debunk common electric car.

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Drive GTM Efficiency with Tech Stack Consolidation

Consolidating your tech stack is an effective cost-saving measure that drives GTM efficiency and adds value to your enterprise. With a cohesive, integrated tech stack, your revenue teams can deliver an excellent customer experience that sets you up to win faster than your competitors.