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10 Reasons to Use Video for Ad Agency New Business

Fuel Lines

'Video can become one of the most effective new business tools in your tool box. Video allows you to easily tell your agency’s story in a more compelling way than you are able to do through print. You also can use video to create a video blog or post, conduct training, share client testimonials or conduct interviews that attracts the interest of your prospective client audience.

Agency 279
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BMW Driverless Running Coach - Nick Burcher

Nick Burcher

'skip to main | skip to sidebar. nick burcher. Personal thoughts on the evolution of media and advertising. Sunday, 1 April 2012. BMW April Fools Day 2012 ad - BMW Driverless Running Coach [images]. Update: BMW April Fools Day 2013 ad here. BMW have a long history of running a BMW April Fools advert and April Fools Day 2012 is no exception with ads running in todays UK broadsheet newspapers under the headline turn your car into a coach: BMW April Fools 2012 ad in UK newspapers.


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If Your Phone Is So Smart, Have It Bring You A Hot Dog And A Beer


'Taap.it is a startup intent on solving problems for its customers. According to The Next Web , “the mobile app connects local buyers and sellers in a Craigslist like fashion, albeit with items both searchable and sellable by location.” In other words, it’s a hyperlocal ecommerce community with a critical game layer. Here, let the company’s cartoons talk: Taap.it also seeks to provide utility to users at events.

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Conduit: Delivering 10 billions events daily in Real-time


Data collection is the starting point of Big Data lifecycle capture, curate, store, analyze and visualize. At InMobi data is generated by online serving systems. This could be impression, click, download or other kinds of events. This data is used for different Business applications like Billing, Reporting, Business Intelligence, Machine learning, real-time Analytics, and real-time feedback loops.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Advertising to Baby Boomers: For The Elderly And Beautiful

Advertising to Baby Boomers

'Advertising to Baby Boomers. Beginning in 2003, My business blog for Creative Services, Copywriting, Consulting, and Speaking. Youll find all sorts of information about the current trends in advertising and marketing to this unwieldy, diverse demographic. 05 June 2012. For The Elderly And Beautiful. We went to see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel the other night.

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David Ogilvy: Writing Tips for Ad Agency New Business

Fuel Lines

'David Ogilvy remains one of the most famous names in advertising and continues to provide us with relevant content marketing tips. In 1948, at the age of 37, Ogilvy founded the agency that would become Ogilvy & Mather. Starting with only a staff of two and no clients, he built his agency into one of the eight largest advertising networks in the world.

Agency 279

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How Ad Agencies Can Use PR to Drive New Business

Fuel Lines

'No other marketing tool replicates what PR can do when it comes to building trust with important audiences. This is a guest post written by Don Beehler, PR Consultant and author. Don has been a colleague and personal friend for over a decade. He writes a helpful blog to advertising agencies entitled, The Art of Telling Your Agency’s Story. After more than two decades in the public relations business, I’ve come to believe that the most important thing PR can do for an ad agency is enhance

Agency 279
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Pixar: 10 Tips for Creating Appealing Stories for Ad Agency New Business

Fuel Lines

'A powerful story is your secret to connecting with prospective clients. Developing the ability to craft compelling stories is an important skill set for agency new business. Stories engage attention and inspire action. I have witnessed my fair share of agency presentations. Most provide thorough content based upon good research, but what is often lacking is emotion.

Agency 278
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Combining Inbound Marketing and Pinterest for Ad Agency New Business

Fuel Lines

'Pinterest’s has the potential to offer far more value than Facebook and Twitter because of its ability to aggregate and naturally curate content – Forbes I had the privilege of presenting at Hubspot’s Inbound 2012 Conference in Boston. A record 2,800 were in attendance from all over the globe. Amazing growth from the several hundred in attendance just 2 years prior.

Agency 278
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A Lack of Positioning Makes Ad Agency New Business Harder

Fuel Lines

'Creating and maintaining agency new business is often harder than it should be because one key ingredient is often lacking. Positioning is the foundation of any agency’s new business program. It is also the area that many agencies have not addressed because of either procrastination or, more likely, their unwillingness to make the difficult business decisions. “Contrary to common belief, all agencies have pretty much the same basic capabilities, and processes.

Agency 278
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Retail media advertising: How e-commerce is becoming AdTech’s next frontier

what retail media advertising is what a retail media network is how the changes in the privacy landscape benefit retail media networks how retail media network functions market overview of retail media networks

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How to Build A Platform for Ad Agency New Business

Fuel Lines

'If you’re serious about taking your agency to the next level, “you can’t succeed without a platform.” Most agencies were late getting into social media. Then they literally “jumped in” with little to show for their time and effort. It takes more than a completed check-list for having an agency blog, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts to have any kind of success.

Agency 278
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10 Tips for Using Google Plus Hangouts for Agency New Business

Fuel Lines

'Hangouts allow you to video conference in real-time with up to 10 people in a virtual room which makes it a great tool for new business. The screen-capture above is a Google Plus Hangout with Brad Ball, former CMO McDonald’s/USA, President of Marketing for Warner Bros Entertainment and VP of Nascar Entertainment and Marketing. Brad is a partner and chief development officer for Moroch Partners.

Agency 277
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Hubspot Inbound 2012: Gary Vaynerchuk’s 50 Top Inbound Marketing Insights

Fuel Lines

'500 plus advertising agencies were represented at Hubspot’s 2012 Inbound Conference in Boston, MA. Hubspot saved the best for last at Inbound 2012, a conference that attracted over 2800 marketers from around the globe. New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling author Gary Vaynerchuk was the keynote speaker for the final day of the conference.

Marketing 277
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How Are You Spending Your Time for Ad Agency New Business?

Fuel Lines

'Time is often your greatest enemy when it comes to consistently acquiring new business opportunities so knowing where to focus your time is critical for the best results. I talk to people on a daily basis who don’t have enough time. Just this week, I was talking with two agency principals and a new business director that all basically said; “I’m out of time” Each said they had no more time to give their schedules were overloaded.

Agency 277
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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Is the financial bonus what really motivates your ad agency’s salesperson?

Fuel Lines

'Raising the discussion about compensation for those charged with ad agency new business. It is time to re-think how we compensate those “odd ducks” who do what no one else wants to do, selling the agency’s services. The motivation for creating new business opportunities is thought to be fueled primarily by financial rewards, the traditional ‘carrot and stick’ philosophy.

Agency 277
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What is your agency doing to meet the escalating demands for digital?

Fuel Lines

'Digital is not an idea that you merely ‘check off’ your list. Traditional agencies should know by now that digital training is critical to their new business success. “The market is now ready to take a big step to join, and in some cases even replace, traditional agencies in leading marketing strategy for top brands.” Sean Corocran , The Forrester Blog for Interactive Professionals Rising to meet the explosive growth of digital, many of the larger agencies are now requi

Agency 277
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An International Ad Agency Network for New Business

Fuel Lines

'A custom-built international network available “on demand,” at a price every agency can afford. I recently had the privilege to conduct a Social Media | New Business workshop in London. The event was sponsored by thenetworkone , one of the largest network of independent advertising agencies in the world. There were 9 different countries represented at this event held at The Ritz.

Agency 275
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Be Sure to Backup and Protect Your Agency’s Content Marketing Investment

Fuel Lines

'Don’t wait for a catastrophic loss of data to start properly backing-up and protecting your content marketing investment. I’ve been writing for my agency new business blog for 5 years now. It is my passion and livelihood. But it took an event of lost data to make me as passionate about securing my investment. I have accumulated a significant amount of content, photos, podcasts, videos, links and comments.

Marketing 274
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ABM Success Recipe: Mastering the Crawl, Walk, Run Approach

Shifting to an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy can be both exciting and challenging. Well-implemented ABM motions build engagement with high-value accounts and drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience. But where do you begin, and how do you progress from crawling to running? Watch now as Demand Gen experts delve into the essentials of each stage of the ABM process.

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Try Dropbox for Ad Agency New Business

Fuel Lines

'The potential productivity for the new business traveller of using cloud-based services, in combination with mobile devices, is substantial. If you are in charge of new business, it often means you are “going out on the road”. Having all you need to do your work while traveling can be difficult if you don’t plan ahead. Even when you do, you can often end up leaving important digital content to which you have no access.

Agency 273
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Free or Paid Content? The 50 Most Successful Digital Companies in the World

Fuel Lines

'A list of media companies that are making the most money in the digital economy by both free and paid content. The paidContent 50 ranks digital-media companies based on a simple and objective metric: the revenue they earn from digital content, or from the advertising around that content. The “digital content” businesses include news, information and entertainment distributed over the internet and consumed digitally by consumers and/or businesses.

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Top 10 Social Media Articles for Ad Agency New Business

Fuel Lines

'A collection of the most popular Fuel Lines’ articles using social media for agency new business. I’ve been an early evangelist of social media for new business since launching my consultancy and utilizing this new communication channel back in 2007. Fuel Lines has been the centerpiece of my social media strategy from the beginning. It hit the 1 millionth page view mark back in January of 2012 and the site now averages about 47,000 page views per month.

Agency 254
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The Key Ingredients of the Best Digital Campaigns of 2012

Fuel Lines

'How to make your videos as shareable as possible for ad agency new business. I had the opportunity to meet the video team for McDougall Interactive Marketing in Boston. They excel in creating viral videos. Their work has been seen on MTV, G4, and Comedy Central. One of their recent creations, a comedy video, “Cat-Friend vs. Dog-Friend” was featured on the Today Show and has been viewed by over 6 million people in only a few short weeks.

Agency 250
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How Intent Data Helps Marketers Convert A-List Accounts

One of the biggest challenges for any B2B marketer is understanding your prospects’ next move — who is most likely to buy and when. Without these insights, marketing campaigns can feel more like guesswork, with high investment and little return. We’re here to tell you there’s a better way. By tracking buyers’ digital footprints and online activity, such as website visits, product reviews, and spikes in content consumption, you can engage prospects with a message that really resonates.

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Fueling Ad Agency New Business In Canada

Fuel Lines

'Flying to Canada this morning for a whirlwind trip with agency New Business | Social Media Workshops being held over the next 3 days in Toronto, Vancouver and then Calgary. I appreciate the Institue of Communication Agencies for this opportunity. Click on the following link for additional information: ICA Events.

Agency 143
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Goodbye Andy

Fuel Lines

'The news of Andy Griffith’s passing this morning hit me as though I had lost a beloved relative. Lots of people must have felt the same way. Many are expressing their grief and gratitude to Andy through social media networks for being such a friendly and cherished presence in American life. A good friend of mine, Ken Henley, from Nashville, TN, emailed me the caricature above.

Agency 133
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Fueling Ad Agency New Business In Canada

Fuel Lines

'Flying to Canada this morning for a whirlwind trip with agency New Business | Social Media Workshops being held over the next 3 days in Toronto, Vancouver and then Calgary. I appreciate the Institue of Communication Agencies for this opportunity. Click on the following link for additional information: ICA Events.

Agency 100
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Gangnam Style Yourself! New JibJab animation lets you replace Psy.

Nick Burcher

'skip to main | skip to sidebar. nick burcher. Personal thoughts on the evolution of media and advertising. Friday, 30 November 2012. Gangnam Style Yourself! New JibJab animation lets you replace Psy. Personalisation can turn videos into viral gold. I talk about this in Paid Owned Earned (discussing the success JibJab have had through allowing people to create personalised videos) and whilst Office Maxs ElfYourself is still the king in this area, a genuine 2012 competitor may have just emerged -

Media 99
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Solving the Biggest Tech Challenges in RevOps

In this eBook, we’ll run through real-world examples that show how RevOps teams can benefit from modern solutions for the access, management, and activation of their GTM data. Whether you need to improve lead response times, boost adoption of core tools, improve lead qualification, or target and automate your GTM motions, you’ll find examples of how revenue teams are solving some of the toughest problems in modern business.

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Copenhagen Orchestra flashmob on the Metro by Copenhagen Phil.

Nick Burcher

'skip to main | skip to sidebar. nick burcher. Personal thoughts on the evolution of media and advertising. Thursday, 10 May 2012. Copenhagen Orchestra flashmob on the Metro by Copenhagen Phil and Radio Klassisk. Flash mobs can still make people smile, but nowadays they need to be executed in a quirky / original way in order to resonate. The Copenhagen Phil orchestra recently showed how flash mobs can still work, carrying out a flash mob performance on the Copenhagen Metro to promote both themse

Media 96
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ElfYourself 2012 at elfyourself.com - OfficeMax Christmas tradition.

Nick Burcher

'skip to main | skip to sidebar. nick burcher. Personal thoughts on the evolution of media and advertising. Sunday, 4 November 2012. ElfYourself 2012 at elfyourself.com - OfficeMax Christmas tradition returns for 2012! ElfYourself is back for 2012! ElfYourself 2013 is here! The OfficeMax tradition is returning for Christmas 2012, allowing you to ElfYourself into a personalised Christmas message by simply uploading a photo and designing an Oddcast powered Christmas Elf greeting.

Media 96
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Prometheus, Channel 4 and Twitter live ad integration [screenshots]

Nick Burcher

'skip to main | skip to sidebar. nick burcher. Personal thoughts on the evolution of media and advertising. Monday, 30 April 2012. Prometheus, Channel 4 and Twitter live ad integration [screenshots]. During the penultimate episode of Homelands last night (in the UK), Channel 4 partnered with 20th Century Fox to show the latest epic trailer for forthcoming Ridley Scott film Prometheus and then featured related live tweets during a following ad break.

Media 91
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IKEA creates Banksy style graffiti in Milan - Nick Burcher

Nick Burcher

'skip to main | skip to sidebar. nick burcher. Personal thoughts on the evolution of media and advertising. Tuesday, 1 May 2012. IKEA creates Banksy style graffiti in Milan. IKEA has been tagging its own ads with Banksy style graffiti in Milan as part of the IKEA People bring Design to Life current campaign. Stencilled art in the style that Banksy made famous was created and dogs, ballerinas, children and more were added as graffiti to both IKEA posters and Milan subway walls, steps and turnstil

Media 86
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Drive GTM Efficiency with Tech Stack Consolidation

Consolidating your tech stack is an effective cost-saving measure that drives GTM efficiency and adds value to your enterprise. With a cohesive, integrated tech stack, your revenue teams can deliver an excellent customer experience that sets you up to win faster than your competitors.